Calling All Dragons - The Closed Beta

With but a moon or so remaining until our June release date, the time has come for the friends of Dreaming Door to gather together and play the full version of Golden Treasure: The Great Green! Starting Tuesday, May 28, Steam keys will be distributed to a few dozen lucky souls. Between then and the following Friday (June 7) you will have access to the complete Golden Treasure experience free of charge! All we ask is that you share that experience with us.

What you will need:

  • A PC or Mac. GT runs on a potato, so if you've bought it within the last 10 years, you're almost certainly safe.

  • A Steam account.

  • At least 10 hours of your time over the next few weeks to play it and give feedback, and a promise that you will not stream or share the experience with anyone until the game is released.

What you will get if chosen:

A special beta access key which will be valid from 5/28 to 6/8 (roughly). Using this, you will be able to play the full game (feature complete, though there will still be some bugs) for free.
If you complete the game and respond to the feedback questionnaire (sent out later), a coupon good for 50% off the final game when it becomes available in mid-June.

If you are interested:

Just fill out this questionnaire.

If you are chosen (we want this to be a small beta and may not be able to accommodate everybody), I will respond within one week to give you your key number and further instructions. This application is only valid until Monday the 27th, so act now!

We want Golden Treasure: The Great Green to be the first in a series of games which combine fantastic art and writing with dragon-centered stories, and for that to be the case we need to make it the best it can be for our launch four weeks from now. I think you'll have a wonderful time with the full game, which far surpasses the demo in every way. Thank you for considering, and of course for your continued support and encouragement.

Benjamin Ludwig